Board of Directors

Cate Cox

Cate Cox is a mental health therapist practicing in the Wood River Valley. After growing up in the Bay Area and enjoying life in Santa Barbara, Boulder and New York City, she hightailed it to Sun Valley to grow her therapy practice and enjoy the beauty of Idaho. At 19 years old, Cate first pursued study of meditation and mindfulness practices when she lived in a Hindu ashram and became a certified yoga teacher. She then attended the buddhist institute, Naropa University, for her undergraduate education in Writing and Literature and later attended the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco for graduate work in Transpersonal Psychology. She has a vested interest in the intersections of the psychology of wellness & illness and she trained at The Institute for Health and Healing at the California Pacific Medical Center hospitals working with patients living with chronic and/or terminal diagnoses, such as cancer and autoimmune conditions. She is a delighted mother to her young son, Bode, and is honored to continue her commitment to mindfulness education as a board member with The Flourish Foundation.